Discuss -- Social Justice Book Group Mailing List


About Discuss
English (USA)

Mailing List for logistics, follow-up and sharing resources beyond our monthly meetings.

Website: http://sjbooks.byz.org

We are a group of liberal lefties who like reading. The group was started by Molly B., out of a desire to connect with other like-minded people who were interested in having conversations about social justice topics beyond a 101-level.

Collectively, we come from many walks of life: queer, straight, trans, parents, childless, single, partnered, able-bodied, disabled, shy, outgoing, Jewish, Cristian, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, homemakers, workers, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.

The basic tenant of the group, which sets the stage for all of our conversations and reading choices, is that ALL PEOPLE ARE WORTHY OF RESPECT. That means that everyone has an opportunity to have their voice heard. It means that we read books with the intention of hearing voices that are often silenced by a dominant, privileged class. It means that we are actively looking to examine the ways in which we are privileged, and how we benefit from the oppression of others, and further: that we are actively trying to dismantle the social structures that reinforce this oppression, even if it means that we will lose some of our own privilege in the process.

We are committed to letting ourselves be uncomfortable, and to remembering that the goal is not to agree: it is to further understand. Growth is never comfortable, nor should it be. We acknowledge that we can never fully understand experiences that are not our own.

We are committed to creating a definition of “safe space” that does not mean never being challenged or offended, but rather a space in which everyone has permission to ask questions, to not know the answers, and to not be judged negatively for these things. We are committed to learning about experiences other than our own, and using this as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the variety (and commonalities) of human experiences. We are committed to doing the work to educate ourselves, and to not rely on the voices of historically oppressed people to provide our education.

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Discuss Archives. (The current archive is only available to the list members.)

Using Discuss
To post a message to all the list members, send email to discuss@lists.sjbooks.byz.org.

You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below.

Subscribing to Discuss

Subscribe to Discuss by filling out the following form. This is a closed list, which means your subscription will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list moderator's decision by email. This is also a private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non-members.

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    If you choose not to enter a password, one will be automatically generated for you, and it will be sent to you once you've confirmed your subscription. You can always request a mail-back of your password when you edit your personal options.
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    Which language do you prefer to display your messages? English (USA)  
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Discuss Subscribers
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Discuss list run by discuss-owner at lists.sjbooks.byz.org
Discuss administrative interface (requires authorization)

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